Monday, April 16, 2007

The Cheetwoot congress

A seminar series about this place and its continuous progression towards
becoming a model for regenerative living. The natural abundance of this
place is truly magical. As citizens of Cheetwoot, our shared
relationship to this temperate rainforest connects us to one another.
The Cheetwoot Congress is an opportunity to discover where we’ve been,
where we are now, where do we want to go and how do we get there,
together. It’s a forum organized by the people, for the people. A place
to share food, converse, learn and generate a vision for an attainable,
fulfilling future. Terra Commons is currently looking for volunteers and
organizational sponsors interested in making this ground-healing,
monthly event sprout. Lively planning sessions will be starting soon so
don’t hesitate to contact us at to be involved
in the next step of our journey together.

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