Friday, March 23, 2007



Grow Something Different”

Project Descriptions and Needs

  • Downtown Garden Boxes: Part of a downtown beautification project that also includes bike racks and cobb benches, not to mention a great way to gain publicity for our the work of our organization.

  • Needs Include: Soil, lumber, plants, and partners (GRuB & climate justice action group perhaps) and most of all vounteers!

  • Urban Layers Building: A mixed use, multi-story, eco-building that would haver retail on the first floor (ideally the Oly food co-op perhaps with a fair trade & local mercantile) , on the second floor would be social services, and on the top floors low and medium income housing. This green building would have such features as passive solar and rooftop gardens.

  • Needs include: Presentation and design work, new website design, organizational commitment, location, development funding, and public support and education.

  • Downtown Artesian Well Park: A project to develop the downtown well into a urban oasis. This park may feature fruit trees, gardens, basket ball and four square court, and a artistic drinking fountain.

  • Needs include: Fund raising strategies (peace tiles), presentation and design work, large amounts of community support (signatures), and volunteers!

  • Heritage Park Permaculture Tree Garden: A amazing tree garden at Heritage Park that features native edibles and permaculture education.

  • Needs include: Design and presentation work, large amounts of community support (signatures), fund raising strategies,

  • Creek Daylighting: A way to bring nature into the city by uncovering creeks that are currently flowing through culverts and restoring them with native plants and trees! (ex: Moxlie Creek D-town and Indian Creek on the Eastside)

  • Need include: Research and data collection, huge amounts of community support, and definitely volunteers!

  • Pedestrian Plaza: A plaza that would encourage people to leave their cars at home and come interact in the open air! Possible locations are downtown on Franklin St between 5th and Legion or an alternative site down by the Port.

  • Needs include: Political will and community support.

  • Ecocity Zoning Map: A map that would show where the greatest cultural density is and also highlight places for ecological projects. In the long term this map could be used to curb sprawl, aid in conservation, and be the official zoning map adopted by the City of Olympia.

  • Needs include: A possible partnership with Evergreen Grads doing GIS work and community support and education.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


EcoCity Olympia (ECO) has entered the blogosphere, everybody get crazy and celebrate, NOW!